Upcoming Events
August 14 2024
Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche
Teaching Series 堪钦策旺嘉措仁波切 教学系列
An Oral Transmission , Short Teaching & Tsog Practice
We are honored to invite Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche to give an oral transmission on "A prayer invoking the benefits of the festival of the tenth day composed by Jigme Lingpa", and a short teaching for Guru Rinpoche's day. This is a rare opportunity. All are welcome to attend.
蓮師日殊勝的共修及教學:尊貴的堪千策旺加措仁波切將給予口傳(初十修法利益的祈禱文),簡短的教法和荟供,机會難得,歡迎踴躍參加. 请自行在家提前准备荟供品。
8/14 星期三早上芝加哥時间9:00am,紐約时間早上10:00am, 亞洲時間晚上10:00pm
Palyul Atiling Buddhist Studies & Meditation Center Chicago is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: An Oral Transmission , Short Teaching & Tsog Practice
Time: Aug 14, 2024 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 3859 6062
Passcode: 888
August 17-18,2024
Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche
Teaching Series 堪钦策旺嘉措仁波切 教学系列
Please join us for a 2-day teaching with Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche at our center in Aurora, IL, on August 17-18, 2024. Zoom is available on the first day only, but we encourage local students to attend both days in-person. See the poster for details.
我们非常荣幸地邀请到了堪钦策旺嘉措仁波切来芝加哥西郊的白玉中心授课两天。日期为2024年8月17日(星期六)至 2024年8月18日(星期日)。欢迎本地学员前来中心参加。详情请见海报。
Day 1 Topic: Teaching on the Applications and Objects of Mindfulness (Zoom and in-person) 正念的应用与对象 (现场和线上)
Day 2: Avalokitesvara, the Great Compassionate One and Thousand Buddha Empowerment (in-person only) 观世音菩萨大悲心灌顶和千佛灌顶 (限于现场)
To join the Zoom sessions, please click on the link below. Please note that the empowerment session on Sunday is in-person only.
Palyul Atiling Buddhist Studies & Meditation Center Chicago is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Teaching On The Applications And Objects Of Mindfullness 正念的应用与对象
Time: Aug 17, 2024 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 975 153 6224
Passcode: 1718

June 2024
Empowerment by His Holiness Gyangkhang Rinpoche 法王蒋康秋祖仁波切来访芝加哥

Saturday 6/29, 1:30 PM
Empowerment: Buddha of limitless life, Longevity Empowerment and Essential Dharma Guidance for Spiritual Growth
Join us on 6/29/2024 at our Chicago center for a rare chance to meet His Holiness Gyangkhang Rinpoche and receive empowerment.
Practice with Lama Jigmed 喇嘛吉米带领禅修
We are excited to invite you to several important practices led by lama Jigmed at our Aurora center. Zoom available but we welcome all local students to join in-person at our center.
One Zoom link for all the following sessions.
March 2024 - All time U.S. Central time (芝加哥时间)
16th SAT 1-2:30PM Guru Yoga and Rewo Sangchoe
17th SUN 1-2:30PM Medicine Buddha Day
19th TUE 7-8:30PM Guru Rinpoche Tsog day
23rd SAT 1-2:30PM Guru Yoga and Rewo Sangchoe
24th SUN 1-2:30PM Green Tara Long Version
27th WED 7-8:30PM Vajrasattva Practice
30th SAT 1-2:30PM Guru Yoga and Rewo Sangchoe
31st SUN 1-2:30PM Green Tara Long Version
Recurring Zoom Event
Palyul Atiling Buddhist Studies & Meditation Center
Chicago is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: vajrasattva practice
Time: See above time slots
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 6060 0946
Passcode: namo

Khenpo Kunsang Dechen Rinpoche
Teaching Series 堪布坤桑德钦仁波切 教学系列
We are excited to invite you to a 3-day teaching series with Khenpo Kunsang Dechen Rinpoche at our center in Aurora, IL, from 11/11 - 11/13, 2023. Zoom available but we welcome all local students to join in-person at our center.
To join the Zoom sessions, please click on the link below to register. You only need to register once to attend all 3 days of teachings. Please note that the empowerment session on Sunday is in-person only.
Registration & Zoom Link: 注册链接

《敏林金剛薩埵的禅修》- Practices with Lama Samdup & Ani Ginger
Palyul Atiling Chicago is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 《敏林金剛薩埵的禅修》 Practices with Lama Samdup & Ani Ginger
Time: Sep 2, 2023 08:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 822 0636 5538
Passcode: Guru
芝加哥時間8:30am 紐約時早上9:30am,亞洲時間晚上9:30pm
6/30 星期五晚上在芝加哥白玉中心有公益講座,希望芝加哥的師兄可以來現場,不能來現場的師兄可以在線上,下面是Zoom 的連結:Palyul-Chicago is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Public Talk-公益讲座
Time: Jun 30, 2023 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 7177 1027
Passcode: 888

Palyul Atiling Chicago Center
Empowerment and Teachings from Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche:
1) Empowerment of Hundred Deities, Saturday, July 1, 2 pm (attend at our center)
2) Teachings of Guru Rinpoche's "A Liberation Upon Hearing", Sunday, July 2, 8:30am. (Zoom meeting available)
*Asia time+13 hrs
Dear Sangha and friends:
We are honored to announce that Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche will come to give the precious teachings: the Hundred Deities Empowerment and Teachings of Guru Rinpoche's "A Liberation Upon Hearing". It's a very rare opportunity. All are welcome to attend.
The practice of the Hundred Deities is extremely important which can help living beings to remove the obstacles, purify negative karma, prolong their lives, accumulate merit and wisdom, and so on. This practice is especially critical for people who are dying. At the moment when they are going through the bardo state. If they can recognize the Hundred Deities as the reflections of the nature of Dharmadhatu, they can be liberated. Therefore the opportunity to receive the Empowerment of Hundred Deities is very precious.
尊貴的堪千策旺嘉措仁波切將於6/30-7/2 期間在芝加哥白玉勝境洲佛學會給予佛法智慧人生的公益講座,希望大家踴躍參加
地址:4360 E New York st, Aurora IL 60504 (太古廣場租赁办公室內)
Palyul-Chicago is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Public Talk-公益讲座
Time: Jun 30, 2023 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 7177 1027
Passcode: 888
芝加哥時間早上/Morning CST 7:00 am
紐約時間早上/ Morning EST 8: 00 am
亞洲時間晚上/ Evening Asis time 8: 00 pm

Palyul Atiling Zoom: 817 9511 0397 password: Guru
Regular weekly practice session with Lama Samdup on Monday, Wed, and Friday starting at 8:30am U.S. central time. We use the same Zoom room for every practice, so the Zoom link below stays the same. We will have different topic each practice. Please subscribe and you will get email notification for each practice.
溫馨提醒5/5星期五藏歷的三月十五,將由喇嘛桑竹帶領大家做阿弥陀佛的共修,希望大家可以抽時間參加。禪修時間: 芝加哥時間早上8:30am,紐約時間早上9:30am,亞洲時間晚上9:30pm。
Palyul-Chicago is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: This week zoom practices with Lama Samdup & Ani Ginger
Time: May 5, Friday 2023 08:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
EST 9:30 am , Asia time 21:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 5784 7977
Passcode: 0327
Palyul Atiling Chicago

每节教学共修都由芝加哥中心Zoom 直播(灌顶除外)
Zoom 房间号: 817 9511 0397 | 密码: Guru
美中时间 (红色字体为亚洲时间)
周五 1月13日 | 5:30pm (周六 1月14日 | 7:30am) 公开讲座
周六 1月14日 | 3pm - 5pm (周日1月15日 | 5am - 7am) 莲师灌顶
5:30pm - 7pm (周日1月15日 | 7:30 - 9am) 莲师口传,教学, 共修
周日 1月15日 | 3pm - 5pm (周一1月16日 | 5am - 7am) 红观音灌顶
5:30pm - 7pm (周一1月16日 | 7:30am - 9am) 红观音口传,教学,共修
周二 1月17日 | 9:30am - 11:30am (周二1月17日|11:30pm - 1:30am) 大乐佛母口传,教学,荟供
周五 1月20日 | 9:30am - 11:30am(周五1月20日|11:30pm - 1:30am) 普巴金刚口传,教学,荟供
周六 1月21日 | 9:30am - 11:30am (周六1月21日|11:30pm - 1:30am) 财神口传,教学,共修
Wed. 12/28 5pm Confession & Aspiration Prayers 普贤王如来祈请文 (central time US & Canada)
Friday 12/30 5pm Medicine Buddha Practice药師佛共修 (central time US & Canada)
Sunday 1/1/2023 5pm A Shower of Blessings 上師加持雨的荟供 (central time US & Canada)
3 Meditation Sessions Led by Lama Norbu Sumdup & Ani Ginger
喇嘛桑竹帶領 Ani Ginger 中文翻译的三次线上禅修
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 9752 6696
Passcode: 1228
To pray together for your loved ones that are sick and for the loved ones that have passed away, you can prepare their names at the 12/30 session.
All sessions at 5pm central time; 6pm Eastern standard time; or Aisa time zone 7am the next day.
12/21 Wed 5 -7:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Amitabha-Phowa Meditation Led by Lama Norbu Samdup
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 1925 6497
Passcode: 818
Download Book Here:
The Week of 12/12 - 12/16/2022
12/23 Friday 5 -7:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Shower Blessings & Vajra Guru Mantras Led by Lama Norbu Samdup
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 5446 5844
Passcode: 1223
12/14 Wed 9 -11:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
The Mind Accomplishment of Vajrasattva - by Lama Norbu Samdup
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 1354 2019
Passcode: 888
12/16 Friday 7-9 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Turning the Wheels of Dharma - by the Venerable Tenzin Khen Rinpoche
尊貴的堪布丹增诺盖仁波切将进行公开教学- 转动法轮
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 0838 0227
Passcode: 999

For the next 4 days, Guru Tenzin will offer valuable teaching at our center in Aurora. Open to public, we welcome all level of Buddhism students and enthusiasts to this in-person class.
12/1 Thursday 7pm-9pm : Medicine Buddha with Guru Tenzin
12/2 Friday 7pm-9pm: Practice with Lama Sumdup, Q&A session
12/3 Sat 4pm-6pm: Rigdzin Dupa Tsok Practice with Guru Tenzin
12/4 Sun canceled
Tenzin. This session teaches how to handle everyday life challenges you may face such as stress and anxiety.
For remote students, use the following Zoom info to virtually join.
Zoom room ID: 828 1354 2019
Passcode: 888
Venerable Tenzin Khen Rinpoche Teaching & Practice Series
12/1 - 12/4/2022

This Friday April 15th 9am CT/10am EST, Khenpo Tenzin Norgay Rinpoche will give us a teaching on the Four Common Preliminary Practices (Four Thoughts).
This Saturday April 16th 9am CT/10am EST, Khenpo Rinpoche will give a teaching on the 21 Dzambhala practice.
All are welcome.

這個周五早上芝加哥時間九點,堪千仁波切和喇嘛山竹會帶領我們一起来禅修,( 菩薩戒、藥師佛和金剛薩坨 )那天是藏歷的九月十五Full moon day.
This Friday 11/19 at 9 AM CST (Chicago), Palyul AtiLing will host a group practice on the Bodhisattva Vows, Medicine Buddha and Vajrasattva Practice. Khenchen Guru will be presiding over this practice and Lama Samdup will lead. Students from the local area are encouraged to participate onsite.
Palyul AtiLing is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Full Moon Day practice with Khenchen Guru
Time: Nov 19, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 7961 7037
Passcode: 888
Please join us on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 from 6:30 - 7:30pm to learn Buddhism with Khenchen Guru
at the Aurora Public Library, Eola Road Branch (555 S. Eola Rd. Aurora, IL 60504).
We look forward to seeing you all there.

Buddhist Weekend Retreat
2021/ 11/ 12-14
Khenchen Guru Vajrasattva online teachings - Nov. 13/14 8:30 AM - Noon, Chicago Time, sponsored by Yayasan Pema Norbu Vihara (YPNV)
堪欽策旺嘉措仁波切於 11 ⽉ 13 和 14 ⽇,北美芝加哥早上 8:30 將開示⾦剛薩埵之教法,此活動由⾺來⻄亞⾙諾慈善基⾦會主辦,报名連结⋯

Khenchen Guru will also be giving Vajrasattva, Medicine Buddha and Rigdzin Düpa empowerments at Palyul AtiLing for ONSITE students only. The corresponding practice sessions are available online and onsite. Please register below to join online practice sessions if you have already received Vajrasattva empowerment.
同⼀時間於芝加哥⽩⽟勝境洲佛學會,11/12-14 舉⾏⾦剛薩埵,薬師佛,蓮師持明總集灌頂 (只開放現場參加)。具格弟⼦(凡受過任何敎派具德上師之⾦剛薩埵灌頂者),可在此注册报名, 參加灌頂之後的網絡實修及薈供。

Please register to join the Namcho Daily Practice and Oral Transmissions on 9/9 and the Bodhisattva Vow Teaching and Vow Granting on 9/10-11 with Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche. After successful registration, you will receive a confirmation email with a zoom link to join. To download the liturgy text, please click the button below.